Sketches during lockdown, doodled with watercolour pencils, walnut ink and graphite pencil

In these unprecedented times we have all had to find ways to cope with staying indoors, minimal social contact and the distancing of family and friends. It hasn't been easy, creative strategies to help stay well, physically and mentally have been invaluable.
I haven't found it easy to write in the last few months. At first, solace on our little patio, planting seeds in old compost was my main tonic. Then the nearest park became an oasis and the budding trees and flowers a wonderful uplift, plus the unexpected crossing of paths with a local bemused urban fox were a regular delight. To help prevent any stress from building up I also returned to sketching, it has been really helpful. I hope you can find your inner doodler, it can be such a meditative activity, especially if you just enjoy the process rather than worrying about your sketching results.
Here's Urban Fox not observing social distancing for some treats:
If you need some motivation or creative impetus to help you get your pencils out, the Royal Academy tweets a daily doodle challenge (#RAdailydoodle), these other web links are helpful too:
University for the Creative Arts, sketch book making:
Sketching nature - Great Nature Journaling Resource, with John Muir laws:
Royal Academy Life Drawing:
Creativity and well-being, comments from the Arts Council and De Montfort University: